Austin is bustling city filled with food, art and culture. With a population of nearly 900,000 and millions of tourists each year, traffic can be a nightmare. Because of the busy streets and modern distractions, it has never been more important for bicyclists to ride cautiously.

Unfortunately, even the safest bicyclists cannot control the actions of negligent drivers. Riders are particularly prone to spinal cord and brain injuries, which can lead to exorbitant health-care bills.
If you were injured due to another driver’s reckless behavior, then contact an Austin personal-injury lawyer from the Robson Law Firm. Our firm has recovered more than $26 million for our clients. Call 512-345-8200 today to schedule a consultation.
Until then, read on to learn three tips to help you avoid an accident on a bicycle:
1. Ride with the Traffic Flow
Many bicyclists are afraid to ride in the street; however, this is actually safer than riding on sidewalks. Also, it is best to ride with the flow of traffic rather than against it. This will help other drivers predict your actions.
Riding on the sidewalk is likely to lead to a pedestrian accident. If a person suddenly crosses the sidewalk and you hit him or her, then you may be liable for any injuries that result. Always use bike lanes or paths specifically marked for bicycles. If these are not available, then ride in the street.
2. Purchase Safety Equipment
You should never ride a bicycle without the appropriate safety equipment. Reflectors, white headlights and red taillights will make you more visible to other motorists, which can help you avoid a collision.
If an accident does happen, then wearing the proper safety gear can help you avoid injuries or even death. According to, all riders in Austin who are below the age of 18 must wear helmets; however, adults should wear this vital piece of safety equipment, as well.
3. Obey the Traffic Laws
Taking risks in traffic is never wise – especially if you are on a bicycle. Many cyclists take chances anyway, weaving between cars in search of faster routes. This can make it difficult for other drivers to predict your behavior, which increases the likelihood of an accident. If you break a traffic law and cause a crash, then you may be liable for your financial losses.
Traffic laws apply to all road users, even those on bicycles. Be sure to stop at red lights, stop signs and intersections. Signal your intentions early. Yield to pedestrians on crosswalks, keep safe following distances and avoid overtaking other vehicles because they can turn suddenly and hit you. Also, look out for parked cars and opening doors.
If you were injured due to the actions of a negligent driver, then you should not have to pay for medical expenses out of your own pocket. Call the Robson Law Firm at 512-345-8200 to discuss your legal options. An Austin accident attorney can determine if you may have grounds for a lawsuit.