According to Business Insider, Elon Musk reportedly told his Space X employees that their risk of dying in a car accident was greater than their risk of dying from the coronavirus (COVID-19). With Centers for Disease Control estimates indicating that anywhere from 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die of the coronavirus, Elon Musk’s statements are not in line with what medical experts are recommending. Many more people could die of the coronavirus than those who die in car accidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, in 2018 alone, 36,560 people died in car accidents. The number of people who are potentially at risk of dying or suffering serious illness from the coronavirus is higher than the public’s risk of dying in a car accident. However, there are steps that can be taken from a public health perspective to lower these numbers. Limiting social contact through social distancing, canceling large gatherings, and making the tough decision to keep workers home and cancel events can lower the number of people who become sick. In Italy and Spain, where these measures weren’t taken fast enough, massive outbreaks overwhelmed the health care system, leaving hospitals poorly-equipped to treat their patients. Reports from Italy suggest that doctors have had to make unthinkable choices when it comes to rationing care. There are only so many I.C.U. beds in America, only so many respirators. There is no known cure for the coronavirus. We also know very little about why some people get seriously ill and others only see mild illness. So, until we have better treatment and know more, the best thing we can do is prevent outbreak and infection. This means listening to Centers for Disease Control recommendations and closely watching public health officials for news and recommendations. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that gatherings of more than 50 people get cancelled for the next 8 weeks. The Robson Law Firm is a car accident law firm in Austin, Texas that is closely monitoring the situation and will take steps in accordance with local officials’ recommendations regarding this changing situation. As of this writing, the C.D.C. has reported over 1,600 new cases, but these numbers are expected to increase. The number of cases has grown rapidly in recent weeks and the numbers can jump quickly.
If you have been in a car accident in Austin, Texas and have questions, the Robson Law Firm is a car accident lawyer that is still available to help you. Call us today to discuss your case. We can recommend next steps. If you have a pending court date, or if we are currently handling your car accident case, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Watch for Updates Regarding Court Closures. If you have an upcoming court date or court hearing for your personal injury claim, watch for updates regarding closures and postponements. Schools across the country are closing and many offices are also either limiting the number of people passing through their doors or are cancelling appointments and dates. If you have an upcoming personal injury case or meeting, reach out to the Robson Law Firm. We will stay in touch regarding any closures or changes. If you do feel ill, in the interest of public health, it is important to let the courts and us know so that we can reschedule your court date and take steps to help you move forward with your case in a manner that protects public health while also protecting your rights.
- Be in touch with your personal injury lawyer. If you are not feeling well, let our law offices know, so we can schedule a remote meeting or reschedule. We are here for you and are taking steps to keep everyone safe. Be prepared for meetings to be held remotely or rescheduled if public officials call for more widespread closures.
- If you have concerns, let us know. The Robson Law Firm is here for you every step of the way. In many cases, aspects of your personal injury claim can be handled in writing or over the phone. And not all cases need to go to court. So many aspects of your claim may be able to move forward smoothly, though in these trying times we will all need to be patient as things evolve.
The Robson Law Firm is closely monitoring this situation, watching how courts respond, and will remain in touch with our clients regarding this situation. If you have any questions at all about your court date, court case, or personal injury claim, reach out to us today. We are here for you. If you were recently hurt in a car accident, even in these surreal times, you are not alone. The Robson Law Firm is a car accident law firm in Austin, Texas that is here for you. Contact our car accident lawyer at the Robson Law Firm today or reach out to to get connected with the Robson Law Firm as soon as possible.