There are countless factors that can contribute to accidents. Poor weather, drunk drivers, and vehicle defects can all cause serious wrecks, but driver error contributes to the vast majority of collisions.

Driver mistakes take many forms: Speeding, running red lights, and tailgating are common examples. However, distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents. According to, these crashes killed more than 3,000 people and injured more than 400,000 in 2014.
As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are three types of driver distractions:
1. Physical;
2. Mental;
3. And visual.
If you were injured by a distracted driver, then you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and noneconomic damages. An Austin injury lawyer from the Robson Law Firm can evaluate your case to determine if you have grounds for a claim.
Call 512-345-8200 to schedule a free initial consultation. You can also visit the USAttorneys website to learn more about injury lawsuits.
Read on for a brief overview of the three categories of driver distractions:
1. Physical Distractions
If a distraction requires the use of your hands, the NHTSA categorizes it as a physical distraction. This includes smoking, changing music, adjusting climate controls, eating, drinking and texting. If your hands are not on the steering wheel, then it may take longer for you to react to unexpected hazards.
2. Mental Distractions
Mental distractions can slow down your reaction time. Examples include daydreaming, texting, and reading emails.
One of the best ways to avoid mental distractions is to get sufficient sleep. This can prevent your mind from wandering while you drive.
3. Visual Distractions
Drivers rely on their sight to notice precarious situations and avoid accidents. A momentary glance at your cell phone or an accident scene can be deadly. You should only take your eyes off the road when checking your mirrors or blind spots.
A Two-Second Distraction Doubles Your Risk of Crashing
According to the American Automobile Association, taking your eyes off the road for only two seconds can double your risk of crashing. Checking a text message, surfing the Web, or reaching across your vehicle can draw your attention long enough to cause a fatal accident.
Which distractions are the most dangerous? Although all distractions can be deadly, the most hazardous are those that impair your visual, cognitive, and physical abilities at the same time.
Texting is a prime example. Unfortunately, more than 600,000 motorists are using cell phones or other electronic devices at any given daylight moment in the United States. Distracted driving accidents can happen anywhere and at any time.
If you were injured by a distracted driver in Texas, contact the Robson Law Firm. An Austin accident attorney can quantify your damages and help you fight for the maximum compensation.
We have recovered more than $26 million for our clients, and we will give your case the individual attention that it deserves. Call 512-345-8200 to schedule a free initial consultation.