The Centers for Disease Control reports that the number of accidents attributed to drowsy driving may be underreported. According to the CDC, drowsy driving may have been responsible for as many as 72,000 crashes, 44,000 car accident injuries, and another 800 deaths. According to a trucking industry veteran speaking to the New York Times, fatigue may also be underreported among truck accident causes. He estimates that as many as 70 percent of trucking accidents may ultimately be the result of fatigue. While official reports may list the common causes of trucking accidents as the result of a truck drifting out of its lane or off the road, due to rear-end collisions, or because of road work, shifted loads, or other factors, ultimately the real underlying cause might have been a driver’s tiredness and inability to react quickly enough to changing conditions.
Determining whether a driver might have been fatigued can sometimes be challenging. After a truck accident, a truck accident lawyer like the attorneys at the Robson Law Firm in Austin, Texas may be able to review the truck driver’s hours of service logs, shipping logs, and other data to determine how long the driver might have been on the road. For other passenger vehicle drivers, police and insurance companies may need to rely on self-reports to determine how long the driver might have been on the road. However, a skilled personal injury lawyer may be able to assess other evidence to see whether a driver might have been driving overnight or may have been on the road for a long time without sleep.
Do you think fatigued driving may have contributed to your crash? If a driver’s neglect or negligence resulted in your accident, you may have the right to seek damages for your medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, lost wages, and other damages. The Robson Law Firm is a car accident law firm in Austin, Texas that may be able to assist you with your claim.
The Real Dangers of Fatigued Driving
Drowsy driving is incredibly dangerous. In fact, drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. According to the CDC, a driver who has been awake for 17 straight hours might be just as impaired as a driver with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05. And a driver who has been awake for 24 straight hours may be just as impaired as a driver with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1, well over the legal limit. The CDC notes that most adults need anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep each day.
Driving while drowsy or fatigued can significantly decrease a driver’s reaction time. It can result in a loss of concentration that can lead to a driver miscalculating how fast he or she might be traveling. Poor judgement and lack of awareness can also be a sign of fatigue and sometimes drivers may even fall asleep behind the wheel, a dangerous situation indeed.
If you or someone you love was hurt in a crash in Austin, Texas, you may have the right to seek damages for your losses. The Robson Law Firm is a truck and car accident law firm that works with victims and their families to help them seek justice. If you have questions about your rights or options under the law, reach out to our attorneys today.
Factors and Circumstances That Can Lead to Fatigued Driving
There are a range of factors and circumstances that can lead to fatigued driving. Driving overnight or for longer periods of time can result in drowsy driving, but there are other situations where a driver could be tired and may not even be aware of it. Sleep apnea can interrupt a person’s sleep in the night. A person may wake up tired, and may not always be aware that they have the condition. Some symptoms of sleep apnea might be waking up suddenly gasping for air, snoring loudly, or feeling sleepy or tired during the day. If you think you might have sleep apnea, you may want to get tested for the condition because there are medical interventions that can be taken to help you get a better night’s rest and make it less likely that you’ll get behind the wheel tired.
Sometimes drivers may not always be aware of how tired they are. When driving long distances, give yourself frequent breaks and try to avoid driving for longer than 8-hour stretches at a time. After longer than 8-hours, the risks of accidents increases.
If you or someone you love was hurt in a crash, the Robson Law Firm is a car accident law firm in Austin, Texas that can take steps to uncover the causes. If another driver was responsible, you may have the right to make a claim under the law. Reach out to the Robson Law Firm today or connect with to learn more.